GCEG Logo Gympie Communications & Electronics Group Inc.
Gympie Communications & Electronics Group Incorporated - Amateur Radio In Action!

History of Amateur Radio in Gympie & surrounding areas

Club member and amateur historian Greg Weir VK4GDW looks into the past history of Amateur Radio in Gympie and surrounding area's.

As part of the WIA's 100 year Anniversary I thought the time was right to look into the past of Amateur Radio in our region. From what I have been told Gympie was one of the first Amateur Radio Club's in Queensland, so the search is on to find out the facts. Before going backwards we will start with the present day club which was formed in 2008

In June 2008, Greg VK4FGDW, Bob VK4MR and Tony VK4GEP met at the Gympie RSL and talked about forming a radio club, the previous club had folded years before due to lack of interest, however the local amateurs thought that the time was right to start up a new club.

With support from Paul VK4YPM who provided the venue, the first meeting was held in the basement of Leading Edge Electronics on the 13th June 2008 and there were 14 attendee's with 3 apologies. The name of the group was decided on and Gympie Communications and Electronics Group was born. That was the start of the present club which has continued to grow and expand.



Club Dates

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2024 Club Christmas Luncheon

A festive lunch and Life Membership Presentation


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To date the earliest record found that mentions "Gympie Amateur Radio" was from 1923. The meeting took place on Wednesday 30th May 1923. Source - Brisbane Courier

"Radio Club - The Gympie Amateur Radio club met on Wednesday, the president (Mr. A.L. Stumm) in the chair. The committee appointed at the initial meeting to go into the matter of the cost of apparatus reported that an expenditure of £30 would be incurred in procuring and installing suitable apparatus for receiving and experimental work." In searching for information Greg discovered the opening of Nambour's first amateur station. VK4HR was officially opened on the 17th September 1933. There is a mention of the Amateur station at Gympie being used to test transmissions on 210.526 meters. Source - Brisbane Courier


"The amateur broadcasting station, VK4HR (Nambour), was officially opened to-day by Councillor J.T Lowe, chairman of the Maroochydore Shire Council. Councillor Lowe said that the district would benefit by the station advertising it. The station has crystal control, and is broadcasting on a wave length of 210.526 meters. The range is estimated to be more than 100 miles. The amateur station at Gympie reported very good reception. Mr. G.F.Jarrett, and Mr. Scholz, engineer and operator, intend to arrange regular programmes and hope ultimately to establish a B class station."

Arthur Ernest Dillon - Click to go to Dillon's webpage
Visit the Dillon history webpage featuring
Gympie Wireless Pioneer - Arthur Ernest Dillon

Timeline for Amateur Radio
& Achievements by Amateur's in our region

Steve Fittell VK4JO
Steve Fittell VK4JO at home in his Gympie shack 1984
Source- David Fittell


30th May 1923
First meeting of the Gympie Amateur Radio Club.
A.E. Dillon 4CH promotes formation of the Gympie Club.

Steve Fittell obtains his Amateur licence VK4JO.

17th September 1933
VK4HR Amateur Radio Station officially opened in Nambour.

James Halyday obtains his Amateur licence VK4HZ.

3rd November 1941
Radio station 4GY first broadcast. Gympie Amateur
Steve Fittell VK4JO was the driving force behind the creation of 4GY.

Norm Philips VK4CNP (SK)
Norm Philips VK4CNP (SK)
at home in his Gympie shack 06/06/2010
Photo G. Weir
Gympie Amateur / technician VK4JO Steve Fittell picks up Brisbane TV from his rooftop.

15th March 2001
Rebirth of the Gympie Amateur Radio Club (Prior to the current GCEG Inc.)
13th June 2008
Formation of the current Gympie Communications and Electronics Group Inc.

Committee 15/03/2001
2001 Committee of the reformed Gympie Amateur Radio Club
15/03/2001 - Source Paul Medway.
Left to right. Gary Burow VK4GCB secretary, Bill Horner VK4FW Vice President, Quintin Greene VK4BQG President, Paul Medway VK4YPM Treasurer.




Alan Booth VK4EAB (SK)
Alan Booth VK4EAB (SK)
at home with a new antenna.
26/2/2010 - Photo G. Weir


Committee 15/03/2001
Members of the 2001 reformed Gympie Amateur Radio Club
15/03/2001 - Source Paul Medway.
Back row left to right. Geoff Emery VK4ZPP, ??, Lee Vines VK4YKQ, Chris Vines VK4CAV now VK4BX, Quentin Greene VK4BQG (SK), Jack Boorman VK4KWS, Pat Whittig VK4WHO, Paul Medway VK4YPM.
Front Row left to right. Gary Burow VK4GCB, Bill Horner VK4FW, Len Schmidt VK4JZ, Stan Hunter VK4CSH (SK)
Alan Booth VK4EAB (SK).


2014 Group at Christmas BBQ

2014 Club Group at the Christmas BBQ



See also the About Us page for more Club history.


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© 2025 Gympie Communications & Electronics Group Inc.
Original site content Greg Weir VK4GDW

Design RDSwebs.com