GCEG Logo Gympie Communications & Electronics Group Inc.
Gympie Communications & Electronics Group Incorporated - Amateur Radio In Action!

Join Us!

Be part of the Gympie Communication & Electronics Group and help support the Club and it's activities. You can be part of our group, there's no need to hold a radio licence but if you would like to obtain your own licence and radio
call-sign then we will help you to achieve that goal.

If you are already a licenced amateur radio operator, please call in on one of the Nets, we'd love to hear from you.

The membership application form can be downloaded here or if you have another inquiry, please fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.


Roger VK4BNQ & Erik VK4AES (SK) at a
* Your Name:
* e-mail:
Phone No :
Your Inquiry ?
Please enter this number *

* Required Information


Club Dates

Upcoming Club Diary Dates


2024 Club Christmas Luncheon

A festive lunch and Life Membership Presentation


Become a Club Member


Being a member of the Gympie Communications & Electronics Group not only gives you member benefits but it also helps the Club maintain essential things like our repeater systems that are operating 24/7. The Club pays ongoing maintenance and licensing fees so your membership support is gratefully appreciated. The annual fee is just $35 per year and we offer a pro-rata discount depending on what part of the year you joined. (Discount is for the following year renewal if you've taken a training course.) A Family Membership discount is also offered. Family Membership is $40 per year and includes your partner and/or any children under 18yo. (based on free student membership for under 18)

We'd be happy to have you join our group of like minded radio & electronics enthusiasts.

Any donations to the Club are also gratefully accepted and can be deposited into our account, details are here. Your support helps keep the hobby of Amateur Radio alive in this area.

Click to check your details
If you need assistance with communications or would like to help or join our group, please contact us now.

© 2024 Gympie Communications & Electronics Group Inc.
Original site content Greg Weir VK4GDW

Design RDSwebs.com