GCEG Logo Gympie Communications & Electronics Group Inc.
Gympie Communications & Electronics Group Incorporated - Amateur Radio In Action!

The Gympie EchoIRLP System consists of:

* IRLP NODE 6464 (VK4RCM) NG Embedded Node

The EchoIRLP node operates through the Club's Mt. Boulder 2 metre repeater VK4RCM.
The frequency for the repeater is 146.725 MHz (-600KHz offset & 91.5 CTCSS).
It is a combined Echo-IRLP system and so only one system can be in use at any one time however when Echolink is in use, up to 9 stations can be connected simultaneously.

Gympie Echo-IRLP

Internet Radio Linking Project

Rules for using the Echo-IRLP System

These 'Rules' have been adopted by the entire IRLP community, to ensure that you, the user, gets the most from the facilities. If you cannot abide to these 8 simple requirements, please do not use the system.

1. ALWAYS LISTEN on the repeater first to make sure a QSO is not in progress or the system is not linked to another IRLP Node or Reflector.

2. IDENTIFY YOURSELF before sending DTMF codes and trying to use the IRLP Node.

3. LEAVE A 2-3 SECOND PAUSE BETWEEN OVERS to allow the remote node to unkey and thus reset the timeouts on the remote repeaters, and to allow other users to call in. Even if you are talking to another local amateur, if an IRLP link is active, leave longer than normal pauses. If the node is connected to a reflector, this is especially important, since there can be upwards of 30 nodes connected at once.

This REALLY annoys people on the other end, and is a very good way to get yourself a BAD reputation.
If you have no intention of calling anyone, DON'T ESTABLISH A LINK!

5. USE PHONETICS when giving your callsign and name over the link.
The IRLP system is an International network, and some overseas stations are not used to understanding us "Aussies". You will appreciate the need for using phonetics after a few contacts with overseas stations.

6. DON'T MENTION IRLP CODES when talking to other amateurs via the IRLP system.
Most nodes around the world are open, however some nodes around the world may have local access restrictions, and need a special pre-access code to be able to use the system. If someone asks you for information regarding their local IRLP system, please tell them to find the local repeater owner, operator or club to get further information.

7. LEAVE 2-3 SECOND PAUSES BETWEEN OVERS. This is CRUCIAL to the smooth operation of the IRLP network.

8. LEAVE PAUSES. See - its important!

Operating the Echo-IRLP node

The Internet Radio Linking Project is very easy and intuitive to use, the system gives messages about each action. When you link, when you unlink, when the node you are calling is busy, in use, or offline etc. Please make sure you listen carefully to the voice prompts so you know what is happening.

To use the system you need a radio with DTMF capabilities, and you need to have a good signal into the repeater. Once you have met these requirements you are nearly set to go. Your next step is to listen to the repeater for a while get into the swing of how the system works.

To find the Node number of a particular IRLP node, check the IRLP status page. Every node is listed here, with its node number.

If you are wanting to call an Echolink node, you must prefix the Echolink node number with a hash (#)

ALWAYS before speaking or transmitting please LISTEN to ensure the system is not in use.
If nobody appears to be using the repeater, check the current link status by sending DTMF 0.
This will announce whether the node is currently connected to another station, Idle, or Offline.

If the node is linked, and nobody is using it, you can bring it down by sending DTMF 73 or just 7.

Announce your callsign followed by the DTMF digits for the node you are calling.
This will bring up an IRLP link. Once the link has been established, call as you normally would over the repeater. It's not HF, so there is no need to put out a long winded CQ call !

DTMF 73 is used to bring down the link once you have finished your QSO.
After bringing down the link, please announce your callsign.

Other DTMF Codes on our system:

IRLP Link Status
Close link



A Typical IRLP Node diagram
Click to check your details
If you need assistance with communications or would like to help or join our group, please contact us now.

© 2025 Gympie Communications & Electronics Group Inc.
Original site content Greg Weir VK4GDW

Design RDSwebs.com